Membership Coordinator

Position Description: Membership Coordinator

  • Estimated Number of Hours of Work Each Week: Approximately 2-3 hours
  • Term*: Two years, elected in even years

Position Objective

This position exists to help support the vitality and active membership of the HAPPEN BRG by acting as the central coordinator for new and existing BRG members. Participation and work can be completed virtually; no in-person attendance is required.


  • Handle all questions, information requests, and complaints regarding membership.
  • Leads the implementation of strategies and efforts to increase nominations for elected positions.
  • Leads the election process for leadership positions in a fair and inclusive manner with guidance from the OFM BRG Coordinator when necessary.
  • Maintain and update membership rosters and records.
  • Maintains and updates the Active Member Email Distribution List.
  • Assist with member communication activities.
  • Collect data, track membership statistics, and prepare reports.
  • Develop and implement strategies to recruit new members.
  • Organize onboarding events and activities for existing, new, and prospective members. This includes following up with those who express interest in committees and leadership opportunities.
  • Analyze and provide recommendations in response to annual surveys regarding membership engagement and satisfaction.
  • Be on an antiracist journey and model this behavior for membership.
  • Serve on the Executive Committee.

Tools and Resources

The person is expected to coordinate with their agency’s leadership for the flexibility to do this work during their work time. If the position is overtime eligible, the person will need to create an agreement with their supervisor to ensure this work does not result in unauthorized overtime. The details of that agreement may differ based on agency and specific job duties. The person will be allowed to use their agency computer and other resources for this work, as appropriate and as required.

Enterprise Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies

  • Commitment to a Respectful Workplace – Willing to be exposed to, know, and understand the language and concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion and be committed to being part of creating, maintaining, and improving a diverse, equitable, respectful, and inclusive workforce.
  • Self-Awareness – Engages in self-reflection, lifelong learning, and growth.
  • Cultivates Mutually Beneficial and Trusting Strategic Partnerships – Conducts self in a manner that builds trust, enhances work relationships, and meaningfully partner and engage with those they serve and serve with.
  • Inclusive Excellence and Allyship – Demonstrate that all people are valued and engaged as members of the group, team, organization, or community through equitable, inclusive, and respectful behavior.
  • Measuring for Success and Improvement – Develop, implement, evaluate, and continually improve strategies that promote equity and inclusion.

*Terms: From Bylaws Article V(D)(6): “All nominees acknowledge that terms are not to exceed two years unless re-elected.”